Part 4 of 5 – Genesis Process. Cleaning Up.

See UNN report 20240101

Cleaning Up

We have to take care of all of the deep state implants that we have because 79% dark is a big number.

This resulted in every body that has/have some kind of monetary exchange to exchange for dark consciousness, dark energy and dark matter with another human.

BUT, it is changing, we’re going to 100% Light System?

The question is: What will happen with this change?

  • The more it is removed, the faster we have cellular regeneration.
  • We are fighting anti-existence
  • You can speed it up for yourself so that you don’t feel those negative effects.
  • Healing is happening within a year.
  • No more psychic attacks.

The same thing goes for computers.

Quantum scientists will know what all this means.

Counter acting frequencies are needed for healing, etc. to get you to mentally and emotionally balanced

The connection between all three (essence, energy & consciousness) is the KEY to your success as a human and remembering all who you are, where you came from, making all those connections.

Video Transcript – Part 4 of 5

How this works? What we have to do is take care of all of the implants that you have from the deep state and beyond and even deeper and darker. Because 79% is a big number when it came to I’m sure everybody has some kind of monetary exchange. Could be a shop owner, it could be anybody. You don’t even know what you’re doing. You’re exchanging that dark consciousness, dark energy and dark matter with another human.

It is changing

And don’t feel bad about it because it’s changing, right? So we’re going to 100% Light System and we had to figure it out. Also, what will happen if you can? If you do not have this here, you will no longer have the problem of not being able to stand in the presence of say, a family member, a friend, or in a place that you feel is dirty. The energy is dirty and negative. Therefore you have avoided going there. Like the mall on Christmas Eve, when people are trying to kill each other for the last pair of shoes or whatever they’re doing, you will no longer be affected by this because the energetic exchange between the two of you is wriggling every black spot in your human we it’s just going off like gangbusters all at once. And it’s making it grow and grow and grow.

So the more you remove this from your human, the faster you do it, the faster your body is going to have cellular regeneration. Makes sense. So existence and anti-existence is what you’re fighting. One thing wants you no longer to exist. Or to exist for only. I mean, to be able to tolerate planet Earth literally at this time is amazing. It’s amazing. We last 70, 80, 90, 100 years sometimes. But this is the secret to it all. Now when I told you it would take less than a year in my vision that I had about the people getting up out of the hospitals and walking and all that because this is all dissipating on its own.

You can speed it up

But you can speed it up, make it go faster for yourself so that you don’t feel those negative effects.

There’ll be no more psychic attacks. You know there’ll be no more any of that because there’s no nothing for them to grab onto. And this is now a permitted thing by Source itself. So we talk about Genesis 2.0.

The base fabric.


The same thing goes for computers. So I’m rapidly in there going, you know, dark things, dark things, dark things. Because now I know that as of 48 hours ago, I don’t have to worry about the dark consciousness remaining. That’s going to regenerate the thing I just took out anyway. This isn’t about the deep state.

And I know people would like to say, well, you know, she hasn’t transferred money yet and I’m not sure she has any access to anything. Well, yeah, I just, I just hung out at home and you know, look what I did. I just, I just thought about this.

Now, if you’re a quantum scientist, you’ll actually know what all this means. So in every atom and every cell, every bit of creation existed this duality. Now people will say, well, we heal with frequencies. Well, sure, because the lighter frequencies are going to go. You’re a big C you know this is all you’ve got. You and then you’ve got all the light, essence and energy. Because essence, energy and consciousness is not just for the Soul Plane. It exists in all your planes. It’s what makes you matter. It’s what makes you a person, what makes you human.

The connection between all three is the key to your success as a human and remembering all who you are, where you came from, you know, and making all those connections so.

The higher frequencies, for example, that you like to listen to and you do that for a specific reason. What that does for you is it actually excites this essence, this consciousness and this energy within your person, and therefore you start to feel warm, maybe like you had someone to put a warm blanket on you. Was like Source visiting you personally, which He actually is. That’s why frequencies heal, because all disease s exists within the dark pockets of the wounds on all your planes of existence within yourself. No wounds, nothing for disease to attach itself to.

Therefore, within the next, this is my estimate, this is not Sources estimate, this is what I’m thinking; So I went back to the creation of a human. So first, this separates, right? And if you’re here on Earth, at least for our particular species, you know, the human being, it takes about 40 weeks to bake us Source creates us and we’re baked for 40 weeks. So I thought, well, hey, you know, for a human being, this cellular regeneration process probably will take, to recreate the human a second time 40 weeks. That’s my guess, Source said: Within less than a year. So I’m guessing 40 weeks, but that’s my guess. That is not a fact or anything like that.

But I thought, well, you know, that would mean animals would be cleaner, faster.

But that would also I can’t even watch those terrible commercials on TV. You know the ones, Sunny, I turn it off. The sad ones this Oh my God, I can’t. I, the Sarah McLachlan ones. I have to move out and the house would be full of dogs. If I watch anymore of those things, it just kills me. So. You know, you one would think that this process, you know, barring any extenuating circumstances of trauma, would happen maybe a little faster in animals, You know, yeah, I don’t know the answer to the question but I was told within less than a year is how long it’ll take and also plants. As well, Kim, you know we’re talking about all things. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Yep. So not just on Earth, this is throughout the entire Multiverse.

Earths anchor

Yeah, But since the anchor is here, is Earth and then you have Source which is the Central Sun of the Multiverse. And then there’s a hyperbolus that was created out here and Earth is kind And the two dimension here and Source, the Central Sun also has a Hyperbolus . That was there before, but it was of Anti-source and Source which connected the two energetically wise. The hyperbolus then connects these two. And then it sends the signal out between the two and to all parts in between, with the 5th density being in the middle. So, no longer is Anti-source Anti-existence. The counter party to Source in all of creation. And on a physics level, they’ll understand exactly what I mean when I talk about essence, energy, consciousness, and the way that creation works now. Here’s another interesting thing for you. So.

Man and woman come together

We talk about diseases Sometimes you say, well, you know, it’s just a little child out that they have so much dark and those kinds of things. Well, men and women. Come together. Whether that’s done, you know is a surrogate for another couple or whatever it is, there’s still a meeting of 22 chromosomes, a male’s sperm and a women’s egg cell. Each one of these parties participates in the creation of the new little human. And some may say, I have a history of this or that in my family. You don’t even know, because you could have a history of nothing and this child could have, say, Down syndrome as an example. And you could have no history anywhere that you can think of in your genetic background of anyone having Down syndrome on either party side? But yet the child is born with Down syndrome. What you don’t realize is you could have had that in your soul essence, in your essence. From 2,000,000 years ago. Wow. Oh my goodness. So when they say they see a genetic abnormality like chromosome 1P often indicates the possibility that someday you might have cancer. Chromosome 1P is one of these dark thoughts. That’s actually what they’re looking at. They’re looking at just formed cells, which come from your Soul Plane all the way down to your Physical Plane. You may have had an emotional wound from another lifetime ago that caused you never to you know, your brain, never to fully develop within, that lands you with Down syndrome.

The same thing with dementia, Alzheimer’s, all mental diseases and physical diseases are created the same exact way. So with the absence of this, ultimately this means the eradication of dis-ease in a human vessel. That makes sense to you.

So when you take things like you say, well, I only prefer natural cures and someone will bring up something like. Dandelion

is really good for XY and Z because it is. It’s a lot of things. So you’ve got the frequency of the plant itself, a very fast growing plant that doesn’t stay on this planet for a long time because it’s got a very short life cycle. So think about how fast it comes and goes and. The frequency and the lack of dark spots in it is conducive or the anti-frequency. So say this is now pumping out you know 300 Hertz. Whatever it’s doing to you. And you? And the dandelion is at plus 314.2 or something like that. It is going to counteract anything that makes it down to the Physical Plane that is of that frequency so that’s why it fits in those specific categories and it’s and it’s much more precise than 303.14. I mean it’s it’ll go out several decimal points for you to understand the level of essence, consciousness and energy that you are taking in and the frequencies that you use which means you’re. You’re listening to the binary beats or whatever it is that works for you. All you’re doing is you’re increasing the healing process by making your light body communicate with this light body to eradicate or shrink the effects of this on the Physical Plane. So it’ll still be here on the soul level, but it won’t be here on the physical level anymore. So if you, I guess, does that kind of explain mostly everything to you?

Counter acting frequencies

So the higher the frequency, this is the other thing I want to point out. People are like, well, things like rose oil has the highest frequency and that’ll get rid of everything. No, it doesn’t work that way. It has to be a counteracting counter party frequency on the physical plane that will actually counteract. What is happening and what trickled down from here now the reason why people who are emotionally happy all the time, they say, find your happiness. They’re grounded. You know they’re not. You know, they’re pretty much mentally balanced, emotionally balanced in those types of situations.